Wednesday, March 13, 2013

More women than men are inconsiderate.


That has been going on since ancient times, what to do and what not to do during sex. It is a matter of discussion. Half of these are based on facts, all the rest are mere fantasy. Unfortunately, lack of information, many relationships go awry. Have you heard anything yet about sex as it would not be true, as that which we are going to tell ...
Imagine someone else during sex -
Before the beginning of any relationship is evident. Early sexual experience, the brain is not the organ of the mind wander and have his Priwatti. What matters most is the commitment in a relationship and your partner is committed to you, then it does not matter whether you are thinking Bipasha Basu bored or about Brad Pitt.
Women who feel themselves secure -
This could be bad news for the boys. The man does not realize that the fluid out of the organ is much better out there, because it is enough to Skranu pregnant woman. Should therefore take special care of him.

Men think about sex every seven seconds -
Conducted by a foreign institute revealed the surprising aspect is that some men every seven seconds
Only think about sex, while 14 percent of men and 43 per cent daily or several times a day several times a week or month to think about it. 4 percent in the month after its Akath often bring in their own minds.

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